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The Atherosclerosis Risk in Communities Study (ARIC)

is one of the world’s most significant and longest-running heart health studies and is the largest study of heart health in African Americans.

Funded by the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) of the National Institutes of Health (NIH), ARIC investigates risk factors for heart disease and stroke, and the connections between cardiovascular and cognitive health.

Click here or explore our site to learn more about our research and key findings on cardiovascular health.

In 1987, nearly 16,000 Participants

aged 45 through 65 joined the ARIC cohort study in four communities: 

  • Washington County, Maryland
  • Forsyth County, North Carolina
  • Jackson, Mississippi
  • Minneapolis, Minnesota

In 2021, approximately 6,000 original Participants, now in their 80s and 90s, are still active in ARIC. They generously give their time for clinical exams every three years, along with regular telephone follow-up.

We could not do any of this without our wonderful Participants, and thank you!


A wooden brain puzzle with pieces off to the side

ARIC identifies new lifetime risk of dementia

ARIC Neurocognitive Study results just updated a key statistic – The risk of reaching dementia before death in the US is 42%, which is significantly higher than previous estimates! We are living longer, which is a factor, and importantly the risk is only 4% by age 75, 20% by age 85, and the majority of the risk is among those who live past 85 years. These results have been covered by dozens of news outlets and will be cited by leading dementia organizations and policy makers. Estimating this lifetime risk was possible thanks to decades of participation by ARIC cohort members and their family members. ARIC has also helped show that lifestyle factors can reduce up to half of the dementia risk at any age. The study is now focusing on late-onset dementia since its risk factors differ and management and prevention strategies are needed.

Here is the original Nature Medicine paper, and related articles: NYU Langone press release, Associated Press, New York Times, NPR, CNN, NBC 

A person wearing a hearing aid

Hearing intervention supports cognitive health, a finding thanks to ARIC

We appreciate our ARIC Participants’ help in the ACHIEVE study, which has also received a lot of media attention. Click here to watch Dr. Frank Lin’s interview with the Today Show on the major findings.

Ad for the Gen2 ARIC study with stethoscope on blue background

Join the next Generation of ARIC!

The purpose of the ARIC Gen2 research study is to evaluate the link between glucose and heart problems in adults with type 2 diabetes. If you are 50 to 80 years of age with a diagnosis of type 2 diabetes, you are potentially eligible to participate in our study.  


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