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Annual and Semi-Annual Follow-Up

Annual follow-up of the cohort by telephone began in 1987, to maintain contact with our participants and to assess the health status of the cohort.

Since 2012, the cohort is contacted semi-annually. The first phone interview, labeled 'annual follow-up' is scheduled to occur around the anniversary of the participant's baseline examination. About six months later the second phone interview, labeled 'semi-annual follow-up' is scheduled with the participant. The most current documents used for follow-up are marked below.

What is covered in the Follow-Up calls:

Summary of Data Collected During Annual Follow-Up Interview from ARIC Cohort Members (View PDF)

Follow-Up Response Rates (View PDF)

Annual and Semi-Annual Follow Up

Form Code Title Version Current Form Follow Up Date Sort ascending QxQ Code Book
GNJ Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 Yes PDF Semi-Annual 04/18/2024 PDF
AFU & SAF Composite Dataset Codebook CY2-34 Yes Annual and Semi-Annual 04/01/2024 PDF
AFU Annual Follow-up Form 4.0 Yes PDF Annual 06/01/2023 PDF
SAF Semi-Annual Follow-up Core Questions 4.0 Yes PDF Semi-Annual 06/01/2023 PDF
AFU data entry history Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 05/23/2023
sIRB Proxy/Participant Transition Scenarios Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 03/10/2023
LAR LAR Contact Information Form 1.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 06/28/2022 PDF
ICTX Informed Consent Tracking 1.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 06/16/2022 PDF
CIU Contact Information Update 1.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 06/16/2022 PDF
GNI Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 Yes PDF Semi-Annual 01/01/2022 PDF PDF
FIR Follow-up Interviewer Recertification 2.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 02/11/2021
GNH Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 01/01/2021 PDF PDF
SISO Six Item Screener for Odd Year 1.0 Yes PDF Annual 01/01/2021 PDF
AFU Annual Follow-up Form 3.0 Yes PDF Annual 05/21/2020 PDF
GNG Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 01/01/2020 PDF PDF
SISE Six Item Screener for Even Year 1.0 PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 01/01/2020 PDF
SAF Semi-Annual Follow-up Core Questions 3.0 Yes PDF Semi-Annual 04/30/2018 PDF
GNF Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 12/20/2017 PDF PDF
PXY Proxy Consent Tracking Form 1.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 05/30/2017 PDF
GNE Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 12/21/2015 PDF PDF
ADS AD8 Dementia Screening Interview 1.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 04/29/2015 PDF PDF
SIS Six Item Screener 1.0 PDF Annual 04/29/2015 PDF PDF
DEC Death Information 1.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 01/05/2015 PDF
GND Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 01/05/2015 PDF PDF
MCU Medical Conditions Update Form 2.0 Yes PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 07/30/2014 PDF PDF
GNC Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 2.0 PDF Semi-Annual 05/01/2014 PDF PDF
AFU Annual Follow-up Form 2.0 PDF Annual 01/22/2014 PDF
SAF Semi-Annual Follow-up Core Questions 2.0 PDF Semi-Annual 01/22/2014 PDF
MCU Medical Conditions Update Form 1.0 PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 01/22/2014 PDF
GNC Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 01/10/2014 PDF PDF
FIR Follow-up Interviewer Recertification 1.0 PDF Annual and Semi-Annual 09/18/2013
GNB Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 11/09/2012 PDF PDF
SAF Semi-Annual Follow-up Core Questions 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 12/15/2011 PDF
GEN Semi-Annual Follow-up General Interview 1.0 PDF Semi-Annual 12/15/2011 PDF PDF
PHF Physician Heart Failure Survey 1.0 Yes PDF Clinic 05/02/2011 PDF
AFU Annual Follow-up Form 1.0 PDF Annual 04/20/2011 PDF
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire M PDF Annual 04/01/2010 PDF
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire L PDF Annual 06/03/2007 PDF
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire K PDF Annual 12/03/2004 PDF
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire J PDF Annual 02/21/2002 PDF
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire I PDF Annual 05/15/2001
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire H PDF Annual 03/10/1999 PDF
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire G PDF Annual 11/30/1998
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire F PDF Annual 01/30/1996
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire E PDF Annual 03/01/1994
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire D PDF Annual 03/03/1993 PDF
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire B PDF Annual 09/13/1989
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire A PDF Annual 11/20/1987
AFU Annual Follow Up Questionnaire C PDF Annual 05/08/1900 PDF