Additional ARIC Contacts at the UNC Collaborative Studies Coordinating Center
Principal Investigator, ARIC
Principal Investigator, ARIC Surveillance
Project Director, ARIC
Statistician, ACHIEVE and ARIC Neurocognitive Study
Statistician, ACHIEVE and ACHIEVE MRI
Statistician, ACHIEVE-BHFU
Statistician, ARIC Neurocognitive Study and ACHIEVE
Statistician, ARIC Neurocognitive Study and Imaging
Statistician, ARIC Neurocognitive Study
Statistician, ARIC Follow-up and Surveillance
Statistician, ARIC and Ancillary Studies
Communications Specialist, ARIC
Research Specialist, ARIC, Ancillary Studies, and ACHIEVE
Research Specialist, ARIC Surveillance
Research Specialist, Data Management
Research Specialist, ARIC Surveillance, Follow-Up, and CMS
Research Specialist, ARIC
Research Specialist, ARIC and ACHIEVE
Research Assistant, ARIC
Research Assistant, ARIC and ACHIEVE
Research Assistant, ARIC
Research Assistant, ARIC
Project Manager, ACHIEVE